Thousands of happy Irish customers | 1,000,000+ Barcodes in circulation | 10,000+ daily scans

EAN13 barcode example 1Barcode Images

For numbers not purchased from our company*

Do you have your barcode numbers already?

No, please go to barcode packages (barcode number and images) for EAN barcodes or for UPC barcodes.

Yes, then please go ahead and order on this page.

If you have an EAN or UPC barcode number, and you need the barcode picture for it (the vertical black bars), you can order below.

Please enter your barcode number into the “additional information” section of the checkout form (or else email it to us).

You will receive your barcode images by email in 4 formats (jpeg, png, svg & pdf). You can choose which format you prefer to use. The barcode images will be sent in standard size (i.e. 38mm x 25mm). You can request a different size if needed or re-size the images yourself. The smallest recommended barcode size is 80% of the standard size (30mm wide x 20mm high). After you receive your images, you can put the barcode picture onto the design for your product packaging or sticky label (before printing). If you need your labels printed onto rolls of sticky labels, we can provide these for you (see our Labels Page).

  • EAN-13 Barcode Image*EAN13

    Please enter your barcode number into the “barcode number” section of the checkout form.

    No spaces should be used when entering the barcode number at the checkout form.

    We will email your barcode images to you in 4 different formats (jpeg, pdf, png & svg).

    Quantity Price per image
    1 15.00
    2 12.50 each
    3 10.00 each
    4 + 8.00 each
    5 + 7.00 each
    10 + 5.00 each

    * For a barcode number not purchased from our company

* If your barcode number(s) came from our company, please order the images for those numbers here.

Note – We are happy to customize images by changing the barcode size and putting up to 2 lines of text above and below the barcode. In order to do this, we need all of the information up-front, preferably in a spreadsheet with fields for ‘Top line’, ‘Bottom line’ etc. Also, advise if the font should be changed or sizing should be different. If something is unspecified, we will create the barcode for the best possible printing and scanning at the required size. We may need to charge if extra revisions are required later.


“Hi again, Amelia, Thank you for the info, it has been a big help!” Lorraine

“Thank you David, Much appreciated” Mary M